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Visual communication takes place through pictures, graphs, and charts.
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Symbolization is an important definition for this perspective.
Cage thoracique
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Les dents
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Main gauche
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Main droite
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras gauche
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras droit
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras droit
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras droit
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras droit
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
Bras droit
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images.